Wednesday, January 18, 2012


It's amazing how God can change your life every single day. It's like always a breath of fresh air. Even in tiny, little moments you miss, God speaks through it and works wonders in you. From a very personal point of view, I believe every single moment in my life - in every second, every breath, every step, God moves. It may not be good in every way, but God makes the changes for the better. 

Yes. Surprisingly, it's not always good. Sometimes, bad things happen to you just to snap you out of your situation. And yes, I have been experiencing a lot of that lately. Most times I've felt so low, may be the lowest point of my life. But I am glad I have a God who picks me up and makes me realize that what I'm doing isn't right.

I am a Christian, I know. And people think Christians are supposedly "holy" because we sing in church and read the Scripture and pray. But, I tell you, that's not always a case. We are people too. We make mistakes and feel low. Personally, just share, lately I realized that I am not a true Christian. Yes, I go to church every Sunday, listen to the Pastor, sing in church, but I've felt that I was not fulfilling what God had asked me to do. And it's killing me because I was not making God happy. 

I love God, but there's something missing.

But God moves. He really does. He made me realize those things "missing". And that feeling of being low? It's fading, really. All because of Him. I tell you, when God knocks you down to make you realize what's wrong, He picks you up and shows you not only better things, but the Best. Knowing Him was the best decision I've ever made.

What Jesus Christ has done for you and me is amazing, truly amazing. He saved us. He loved *correction*, HE LOVES US, after all we've done.


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