On more personal rantings, I'm really happy that I'm coming back to the Lord. For the past few weeks, I've exerted almost no effort in doing my devotion and praying. I rarely pray during those times, even in meals. I was preoccupied by worldly things, hanging out, internet, listening to secular music, etc. Not that those are bad things to do, but before, when I became a Christian, I made a promise to the Lord that He will always be my number 1. But those days, I felt so low, and empty. I filled the emptiness with doing things I thought would make me happy. I would spend all my money in things I know I don't even need and forget to set aside 10% of my allowance to give as tithes and offering. I also had a misunderstanding with my best friend in church and started isolating myself from my friends in church. I was feeling so lonely and I thought that it was 'their' fault not mine, but all along I didn't realize that it was God that i really needed. I was longing for His warm embrace and kind words from the bible.
Before, I thought that I was truly seeking Him in my life and that He was just rejecting me but it was otherwise. It was me who was moving away from the Lord. It was me distancing myself from Him and succumbing to worldly things which I knew that I shouldn't be doing. I felt so sorry for myself. I gave in to a lot of temptation, and it was sin that separated man from God, and it was also sin that separated ME from God.
But God gave me a wake up call. A wake up call that pumped my spirit to really kneel and fall down on my knees and ask for forgiveness. And I am happy He did. He reminded me in simple things that I was still His child and that He never left me. He was there for me always and His love for me never dies.
To end this post, I cam across this tumblr picture. It sums up how God somehow reminded me of how He loved me.
See, we are not an accident. God made us for a purpose. And He loves us endlessly and unconditionally :)